flagship experience with multi-6-figure entrepreneur, founder of the Infinite Woman and Satva.io, leadership activator for women, Ali Turner

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Typically $888 for one call and $1,200 for a month of Voxer. Check the box to add both for $555 ;) Will not be available again at this investment!

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↠ everything BRAND identity; how to develop a coherent brand image and become recognized for your magic, whatever that magic may be

↠ how to generate consistent, conscious CONTENT that captivates & cultures your audience so they want everything that you have to offer them

↠ crafting an epic OFFER SUITE that keeps people buying from you on repeat (traveling your strategically-mapped client journey) and gaining all that you have to give

↠ strategic SALES systems and processes so you can scale to S5k, S10k, $15k & beyond with ease; exactly what to do, exactly how to do it

↠ the ultimate LEADERSHIP level up; how to hold containers in your power and with definitive purpose, so your wisdom flows through you like water


For all programs, courses, masterclasses, and masterminds, if you are paying through a payment plan, you are responsible for completing each payment regardless of whether you leave the program or do not complete it in the timeframe provided. There are no refunds. You agree to be 100% committed and responsible for yourself and your experience.

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